
Master’s in Reading Education

Improve Children’s Literacy with a Master’s in Reading from BSU

In the United States, 65% of fourth graders read below grade level. This contributes to a staggering 8,000 students dropping out of high school every day, according to the nonprofit Reading Is Fundamental.

BSU的阅读教育硕士学位可以帮助你获得阻断这种衰退的技能. 住在我们的 Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, our master’s in reading programs focus on literacy development, 对有不同学习和读写需要的学生进行评估和指导.

Our Master of Education in reading and literacy program (MEd, 阅读专家(K-12)是建立在50年的遗产,加强专业发展和智力增长的教育工作者.

准备好微调你的识字教育技能或承担新的教育角色与硕士学位的阅读从北京州立大学. Our challenging curriculum will bridge theory and practice, foster values of diversity and help you grow as an educator, no matter your professional goals.

Master’s in Reading Degree Program Highlights

a female student giving a poster presentation on her research

Exciting hands-on opportunities for learning

Throughout our master’s in reading education program, 你将有机会练习各种识字教育技巧, including instruction, assessments and reflection. You’ll complete case studies, prepare tailored instruction, 进行研究,你将在一年一度的马萨诸塞州阅读协会会议上展示.

Programs that meet industry standards

获得符合国际扫盲协会阅读专业标准的阅读硕士学位. 我们的阅读和读写教育硕士学位课程为您提供语言和读写的概念和理论基础,并指导您创建包容和肯定的教室.
Dr. Steven Greenberg teaching and Elementary Education class

Learn from knowledgeable, experienced faculty

At BSU, you’ll take master’s in reading courses with diverse 教员 谁有丰富的教学经验,并经常参加教育研究和专业组织.

Flexible course offerings

While you complete your Master of Reading Education degree at BSU, you may take courses in person at night, online or a hybrid of the two. 我们的大多数课程以混合形式提供,有些课程完全在线提供.

Opportunities to network

当你完成我们的阅读和读写教育硕士课程, you’ll attend the state’s literacy conference, 你的教授会把你介绍给各种K-12的管理人员和其他阅读专家. 这将帮助你更多地了解这个领域,并讨论潜在的工作机会.

Small class sizes facilitate big benefits

在波士顿州立大学,你将和其他12名研究生一起学习阅读教育硕士课程. 我们的小班授课有助于提供更加个性化的学习体验,并允许您与您的教师和网络联系,并与您的同龄人合作.

Early admission program

提前录取计划是为北京州立大学基础教育或幼儿教育专业的高年级学生提供的, Literacy Teacher Professionals Concentration, 疯牛病, 谁想修一门雷丁的研究生课程以获得本科学分, and thereby accelerate the completion of their MEd. 申请提前入学的学生可获豁免申请费用.

Program of Study for Master’s in Reading Graduate Students

我们的阅读硕士课程包括提高读写能力等领域的课程, literacy assessment principles and techniques, research in literacy teaching and learning, and literacy curriculum development and implementation.


  • Improving Literacy Instruction. BSU学生喜欢这门课程,因为它提供了对高影响力的深入了解, research-based instructional practices.
  • Issues in Literacy Education for 社会正义. 这门受欢迎的课程允许你探索合适的文化和语言方式,你可以在其中进行教学. 你还将探索儿童文学,并讨论与批判读写理论相关的社会正义问题.

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Program Director: Dr. 玛琳专题

Careers in Reading and Literacy

In addition to professional development, 我们的阅读教育硕士学位课程可以为您提供您在职业发展中所需的知识和证书, become a reading specialist or literacy coach and more.

大多数获得阅读硕士学位的北京州立大学毕业生在当地公立学校担任阅读专家或读写教练. 事实上, according to the Edwin Database, 自2010年以来,约89%的阅读教育硕士毕业生在公立学校找到了这些职位.

Even if you don’t wish to become a reading or literacy specialist, 阅读和读写教育硕士学位也可以帮助你成为一名更有效的幼儿教育或小学教育教师和阅读导师.

BSU’s master’s in reading program was ranked


in the country on BestValueSchools.org公布的2022年阅读和读写项目最佳20个硕士项目名单.

研究生资助 Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 研究生资助 Opportunities page.

的 联邦大学和高等教育教师教育援助(TEACH)拨款计划 每学期(根据入学情况)向打算在公立或私立小学或中学任教的学生提供资助,这些学校为来自低收入家庭的学生提供服务.

研究生有资格获得无补贴的学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the 金融援助 Office website or contact them directly at finaid@776kingston.com.

BSU 研究生学习 Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of 研究生学习.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
